“As rosemary is for the spirit, so lavender is to the soul” - Anonymous
Known for its distinct floral scent and almost magical healing properties, lavender is one of the most versatile herbs in the world. Its first documented use was over 2500 years ago and it is commonly believed to have originated from the Mediterranean, Middle East and India. Lavender has played an integral role in many societies. Ancient Egyptians used lavender for mummification and perfume, and lavender was heavily traded along the spice route for centuries.
The word lavender that we know today is derived from how the Romans used this herb. During the Roman Empire, Romans would use lavender to scent their baths, beds, clothes and bodies. Lavender itself is derived from the Latin word “lavare” which means “to wash.” Romans used lavender oil in their soaps and they travelled with them throughout the Roman Empire.
Lavender was originally brought to New Mexico in the 1600s by Spanish settlers. The herb is very suitable for the New Mexican climate because it is a drought-tolerant crop. The grosso and super varieties of lavender grow especially well in the high desert of New Mexico. In the past twenty years, there has been an increase in the number of commercial lavender growers in the state. Peak lavender season is in July and August, which is when the flowers are around three-quarters bloomed and yields its maximum amount of oil.
Lavender is one of the most versatile herbs; its oil can be used as a disinfectant, an antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory and for aromatherapy. It is also known as the “go-to” herb for healing and is therapeutic by nature. Lavender is also claimed to soothe and heal headaches, motion sickness, sunburns, small cuts and other inflammatory conditions. The soothing nature of lavender oil is also used to aid in sleep and relaxation. In addition to using lavender for its healing properties, it also delivers a floral, sweet and elegant flavor to many culinary dishes such as salads, soups, desserts, cheeses and meat dishes. Head over to the Teahouse on Canyon Road to try one of their delicious lavender drinks, like the lavender matcha latte or lavender lemonade!
Experience lavender’s benefits and sweet fragrance by using some of our products such as our lavender lotions, creams, mineral salts, or be like the Romans and use our soaps to wash your body!